Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Don't adjust your set!

We are focused with a plan and are busy behind the scenes, we shall return!
In the mean time we would like to wish all our viewers  HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Jingle...

Rob over at Pre67vw made this short animation, not too much we can say really except Fantastic!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas came early again!

We had a special delivery today, looks like we won't be getting bored over the holiday period, with some excellent reading to keep us occupied :-)

The Monte-Carlo Rally is the oldest and most famous rally in history, it should not be confused with "The Sunday driver Rallies" It takes place in the winter through some of the most mountainous treacherous conditions possible.
Over the years many teams have taken the challenge, known and unknown, anonymous and famous, amateurs and professionals, they have overcome countless obstacles to follow their dreams and participate in a Rally which is without equal, one who's very name reaches into the heart of every driver, navigator, mechanic, journalist, spectator and race steward.
All the greats have taken part and tried to win the Monte, Huschke von Hanstein, Petermax Müller and Vic Elford to name just a few.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Preview time!

A glimpse of things to come...... ;-)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Car of the Year

Congratulations to Prototyp Museum for winning The Car of the Year at the International Historic Motoring awards,with their Typ 60k10.
This really is a beautiful car, the ultimate Oldspeed race car and where it all began......

Friday, November 11, 2011


Public Holiday today, so back in the workshop thinking about one of next year's projects........

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ready for Winter Sports

Winter is just around the corner and we should all be preparing our cars for some fun, back in the 50's they had the right idea....
No prizes for guessing who the winner was :-)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Holy Grail!

If you were lucky enough to attend the Porsche Race Car Classic, you would have seen two "guest stars".
For the ones that couldn't make it, here are a few pictures to enlighten you....

To some, they are the original Oldspeed race car, to other's the car that showed the way forward in the early 50's, but to most they are the "Holy Grail" of VW powered cars.
The cars in question if you didn't know is the Denzel, built by Wolfgang Denzel in Vienna, Austria.
Although their engines are highly modified the starting point was a 30hp VW  case.

Denzel was a competitor to Porsche in the early 50's and with their lightness and nimble handling they achieved worldwide recognition with their stunning win in the 1954 Alpine rally.

These hand built cars were manufactured over a ten year period, from 1949 - 1959, the prototype was built in 1948 and ran a Kübel chassis, in 1960 Denzel was convinced to make one more example before they closed their doors.
There was a total of only 75 cars produced, so as you can image they are as rare as hens teeth!

Here you see Tom & Mark's cars, the restoration of Tom's car only just finished at the eleventh hour in time to make it to the show..........

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hiding away

No sight or sound has been seen of "The Bachelor" of late, he has been locking himself away in the garage and we started to wonder why.
Recently acquiring some spy shots, we now know what he's been working on.
Looking good "B" hope it will be finished in time to make an appearance at Le Mans Classic next year, with the rest of us ;-)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What a mess......

The Pepco motor was opened yesterday to look inside and see what had occurred.
But as you can see it wasn't a pretty sight!
The crank snapped and started to move inside the case, subsiquently the pulley has eaten into the front of the case and destroyed it. On closer inspection of the case, we believe we know why and how the problem occurred.....

As we have good "standard mains" 30hp cases lying around The Professor will use one of these as a starting point to work his alchemy and rebuild the Pepco motor ready for Le Mans next year, producing more hp and reliability ;-)

We will keep you posted.......

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yet more R&D....

At last our manifolds arrived!
Belgian customs didn't really help, keeping them for nearly 5 weeks, oh the joys of bureaucracy.....
If you want to run P11's or Weber's on your Okrasa heads, then you will be needing a set of these :-)

I would also like to thank Ray, for listening to my endless whining ....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Porsche race car classic

It's only a week to go to the Porsche race car classic at Quail Lodge Resort, Carmel, California.
Some of the world's finest Porsche race cars will gather in unprecedented numbers, Gmünds, Glocklers, 550's 904's and more...
There is also rumored to be a couple of "special" guest star's ;-)
If you are in the area be sure to go check it out

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Can we fix it?

YES we can!
Herr Blower's 30hp Pepco recently snapped it's crank and has joined the Q awaiting attention!
Soon to be rebuilt with even more hp ready for Le Mans Classic next year ;-)
We will keep you posted......

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Last minute sunshine!

Taking advantage of the fantastic recent weather, the '54 was out and about for some final road testing in fast driving conditions before being put into hibernation for the winter.
After some tweaking the oil temperature is down 10ºC under fast driving conditions in warm weather, perfect for Le Mans Classic next year ;-)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Camp out....

Herr blower recently attended the Splits at the Lake meeting in Holland in his other ride "The Melvan"  :-)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vintage VW's @ REME Museum

Last weekend was the 2nd Ivan Hurst Historic meeting at the Reme Museum, so we went along to see who was there and what was happening.
As before some beautiful vintage VW's attended and all the usual suspects were there :-)

We know it's a little late posting, but we have all been busy this week with normal work and brain storming 30hp performance stuff ready for Le Mans Classic next year....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In good company

The '46 has been in the workshop, the gearbox apart and back together again.
It was taken for a road test to a local VW show and just for company Geoff brought along his '42 Kübelwagen for it's maiden outing.
Hard to imagine that 2 years ago the Kübel was a pile of scrap on a trailer.......

The '46 passed it's road test with flying colours, ready for the Major Ivan Hurst REME Memorial meeting this weekend :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kab at the Vintage Treffen....

After a long drive south in his Denzel powered Kab, Herr Specializer was last seen at the So Cal Vintage Treffen :-)
As you see his Kab is looking fantastic.......

photo's © Greg Banfill

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Porsche Rennsport Reunion IV

If you can't make the Le Mans Classic next year and your in the neighborhood, the Porsche Rennsport Reunion IV October 14th - 16th at Laguna Seca is well worth a visit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last days of summer .....

Due to some fantastic weather at the weekend, "Mr Godwin" decided to attend the hot-heads-east Hotrod meeting in the east of Germany.
700 kms in two days on traffic free B roads at fast driving speeds in his P wagon :-)

Monday, September 5, 2011

An imposter......

At the Porsche club GB 50th Anniversary meeting yesterday, an imposter was spotted!
We at the OOC know who the original Jägermeister is :P

also of interest was a Porsche tractor, not your usual Junior or Master ........

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Recollections of summer....

Just looking through some of the photo's from the Petermax Müller Gedächtnis Rennen, what a fantastic time we had at B.C. with friends old and new.
We look forward to meeting up again with you all at the Le Mans Classic next summer ;-)

Ray and Tom lead the way in the Kübel to the Ferry over the Rhine and the start of the race, you can see in the background the sort of terrain the race crossed.

Vegard is already practicing slipstreaming behind Øystein at the lunch stop :-D

Meanwhile...........Øystein and Rune are thinking, we will be straight passed that plastic kitcar :-P

Waiting for the ferry to the start, Øystein is already applying his physchological warfare on the other competitors, while Rune is thinking Mmmmmmm.......... we'll soon be passed this one too!

Hans "Besserwisser" is busy checking out Herr Blowers Pepco