Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Plan B

We've spent a lot of time thinking about the gearboxes of the '53 & '54.
Many hours of calculations, working out ratio's and various scenario's, in the quest the get the maximum out of these boxes.
We came up with what we thought was the ideal solution......
Then it was a hunt for someone who could actually make what we wanted, a Spiral bevel to Klingelnberg Palloid system, or to put it in plain English, a new R&P.
We eventually found someone who could make it, but before we went ahead and had these made we did more calculations and realised that for the R&P we wanted it would require us to machine the inside of the gearbox to make everything fit snugly.
This wasn't really an option, as we thought it would weaken the gearbox and we plan to push these little boxes to their limits.....
Luckily we had a contingency plan................... PLAN B.
We can still achieve the same overall outcome, Maybe Plan B should have been our first choice.
Stay tuned to see the outcome of PLAN B................

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