Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Petermax Müller Gedächtnis Rennen

The Oldspeed Cannonball Challenge is DEAD!

Long live the "Petermax Müller Gedächtnis Rennen"

we thought the original name was not in the spirit of the event, so we have re-named it after the one and only original Oldspeed Maestro.......


  1. Hi,
    give me an idea of the PM Gedächnis Rennen.
    When will it happen? May be I have to prepare my ´55 VW.....

  2. Hi,
    The PMGR is a race over 140kms it will take place en route to Bad Camberg.
    Entry is closed, but we may still take a few late entries......

  3. Sounds good!
    Three choices:
    1. ´55 Okrasa (if I am able to install the heads in time), 275tkm on the clock, daily driver but no winter any more.
    2. ´57 Porsche 356, driver, nothing to do...
    3. Bmw 75/5, first owner: Petermax Müller (no joke!!!!!!!)

    What shall I do?????????

    May I get a member? Never write in a blog!

  4. It is possible that we will take a couple more late entries.
    If you think you would like to join in the PMGR then mail us for more information
